Coin system

Full control of server's economy

Coins distributed by login time and/or by kills.

Notification system

Real-time notifications on discord

Receive the coordinates of Raids and Kills directly in the server’s Discord.

Alertas no Discord

Quick setup

Set the Bot up quickly and easily, with no major complications.

Registered items

You don't need to search the command that drops the items.

Web admin dashboard

The Bot can be configured through an intuitive web platform.

VIP management

The Bot sends a reminder of the VIP plan's expiration directly on Discord.

Pingperfect, Gportal and GG Hosting integration

Bot fully integrated with Pingperfect, GPortal and GG Hosting.

Weekly updates

Bot in continuous development with improvements and weekly updates.

Transparent administration

Credibility to grow

Get the players trust by showing, in real time, all the commands used by admin users.